UPOU maintains a community on Zenodo ( that functions as a parallel repository that mirrors the contents of the UPOU Repository. (Learn about why uploading your work in other repositories can be useful.) 

Uploading your work in Zenodo is the recommended way to generate a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for your work if it does not already have one. In this tutorial, you will learn how to generate a DOI for your work by uploading it to Zenodo. You can read the tutorial below or follow along this video walkthrough:



  • You should have begun the process of depositing your work in the UPOU Institutional Repository and are now being asked to provide a DOI for your deposit.

Part 1: Reserve a DOI

  1. We recommend that you register for an ORCID account if you don't have one yet.

  2. Register for a Zenodo account on if you don't have one yet.
    We recommend that you use your ORCID account to register for your Zenodo account.

  3. Once you are logged in, click Upload or New Upload to make a new deposit to Zenodo.

  4. Click "Reserve DOI" to generate a DOI

  5. Keep your Zenodo window open, and copy and paste this DOI in the correct field when you are depositing your work in the UPOU Repository.

  6. Once you have deposited your work in the Repository, return to this article and continue with Part 2. 

Part 2: Completing your Zenodo deposit

At this point, you will have completed your UPOU Repository deposit. You should now finish making your deposit to Zenodo.

  1. Switch back to your Zenodo window if you haven't yet.

  2. Upload the same file that you had uploaded in the UPOU Repository. (Yes, you are making deposits of the identical file.)

  3. Type UPOU in the Community search bar.
    The UP Open University community should appear in the search results. Select it.
  4. Fill in as many of the fields as you can. Zenodo offers an impressive set of fields that can capture in a clear and detailed way many aspects of the work that you are depositing. In addition to all the obvious fields suggest use fill in the following:
    • For special project reports and capstone project reports (e.g., BAMS, MENREM, MIS, etc.) and other supervised work that are technically not considered theses nor dissertations, select Publication > Report. For theses and dissertations, select  Publication > Thesis.

    • For special project reports and capstone project reports, expand the Contributors section and fill in the fields there. Add your adviser as a Supervisor. You can optionally add your adviser's ORCID number.

    • For theses and dissertations, expand the Thesis section and fill in the fields there. Add your panel to the list of Supervisors. You can optionally add your panel members' ORCID numbers.
    • Because you will be uploading identical files to both the UPOU Repository and Zenodo, expand the Related/alternate identifiers field. Copy the URL of your UPOU Repository deposit and mark it as an identical deposit (see example below). 
    • You have multiple Access options to choose from. It is up to you how you want to provide access to your file.

  5. Save your work.

  6. Review your entry. If you are satisfied with your entry, click Publish.
    Your work should now be published.

Questions about depositing in Zenodo?

If you have any further questions about using Zenodo, please refer to Zenodo's support ( or file a ticket on this site.