Views and downloads on Zenodo

If you deposited your work in UPOU's parallel repository on Zenodo, you can view how many views and downloads your work has received. See for details.

Example of Zenodo views and downloads metrics

Altmetric and PlumX metrics

Uploading your work on the UPOU Repository allows you to track how much visibility your work hasThe UPOU Repository has built-in engagaement metrics provided by Altmetric and PlumX,  which measure how many times a research output has been shared, mentioned or downloaded. They differ from other impact measures that focus exclusively on how many times your work has been cited in other peer-reviewed publications. Instead, altmetrics like Altmetric and PlumX track a wider variety of engagements, and for a broader range of types of research outputs. (Google Scholar does similar tracking, which is why uploading your work to the Repository is so important so that it can be indexed and tracked by Google Scholar.) 

This is particularly important for theses and dissertations. SciVal (to which the UP System currently subscribes) doesn't able to track the impact that graduate theses and dissertations have, unless they have been written up and accepted as articles or presentations in journals and conference proceedings archived in Scopus. However, if you include a DOI in your deposited thesis or dissertation, the UPOU Repository will include and display Altmetric and PlumX metrics for it as more people find and engage with your work.

Example of Altmetric (top) and PlumX (button) metrics from another institutional repository.